Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's been a loooong time!

I'm back! That's right. I bet you thought I was dead or worse...

So... I'll try to cover April, May, June and July for you right now. Here goes.

So in April I went to China and Japan (had some Kobe beef, in case you were wondering). Things were going great for me and Camilla at the time.

In May we sailed due west and stopped in ports such as Singapore, Myanmar, Oman, Jordan, India, Vietnam, Thailand and U.A.E. I found out that I would become Band Master in October.
I bought a Nintendo Wii in Dubai... it's been very handy during days of restlessness.

In June, We went through the Suez Canal and into the Mediterranean. I split up with Camilla then. Not the easiest thing I've had to do, but that's life, I guess.

In Late June we sailed out of the Med. and up to England and the Baltic where we are at the moment. We are sailing away from St. Petersburg at the moment. I will post pictures on Facebook soon. I PROMISE!!!!

More details will follow as well!



Monday, March 30, 2009

The E-machine does Asia!

Got on board 3 days ago. Had an overnight my first night, which was sweet. It was great to see Camilla again... I don't think I could have lasted much longer than those 3 odd weeks.
I was thrown right back into it. My first show was with Jon Cortenay... very high-energy and busy for drums. I made it through o.k. despite the fact that I partied my tail off the night before AND I got up at 6:30 that morning to go sight-see in Hong Kong. By the end of the show I was shaking from fatigue.
Last night I played one of my favorite shows; Naki Ataman's Around the World. It's hard as **** but a ton of fun at the same time. He only uses bass & drums, we both get special intros and we sit at the front of the stage. Very nice.
I'll be in Kobe, Japan, tomorrow.... time to have some beef, I think.



Saturday, February 21, 2009

Almost there

I've said it before and I'll say it again!

It's homestretch time!! I'll be home on March 4th!



Sunday, February 15, 2009

A list of 20 things/sayings/stuff that have stuck with me since I started working on ships.

These are in no particular order

1. It's not realitiy... it's reality on speed!
2. Girls who are 9's on a ship usually wouldn't be higher than 6's on land.
3. "You don't gotta lie to have friends"
4. "You just gotta know the tunes"
5. It's not sexual harrassment if it's true e.g. "Your breasts are huge and I'd like to suck on them"
6. It's easy to make friends and it's easier to lose them
7. It's all about the stripes
8. Greeks are assholes... did you know that the Greeks invented sex? The Italians introduced it to women.
9. Bum, bum, bum! (This one needs audio... ask me later)
10. My Icelandic keeps getting worse and worse... I need more fellow Icelanders out here.
11. I have the best friends and family in the world... no contest... just ask anyone and they'll tell you.
12. 2 years ago, I had a job that I didn't like, and I did something about it. Look at me now
13. I'm going to Japan, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, The United Arab Emirates, Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), Jordan, Oman, India and more all in the next 3 months.
14. In the last year and a half I've been to the following countries: Germany, England, Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Turkey, Egypt, Ukraine, Spain, Morocco, Barbados, Bermuda, Tortola, Puerto Rico, Canada, U.S.A., Mexico, St. Maarten, St. Thomas, St. Barths, Antigua, Grand Cayman, Grand Turk, St. Lucia, Aruba, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Costa Rica, Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Bora Bora, Vanuatu, Kiribati and probably a few more...
15. I've gotten a 100% pay increase in 18 months... which is not bad.
16. I seem to be unable to get a girlfriend... for more than 3 weeks or so.
17. I'm a good sight-reader
18. I hardly ever practice... that's a really bad thing.
19. I get home sick after approx. 4 months.... guaranteed.
20. My next contract is 6 months.

See you on wednesday, March the 4th.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Home stretch


This is it. Less than a month. Let's see... today is february 6th so that means I've got 3 weeks and 3 days left.
All is well here... I've been rockin out on guitar with the crew band, we've played twice already and we're playing once more before I come home.

See you then,


Friday, January 16, 2009

A month!!!

What the hell??

Alright so I haven't written anything in a month. That's ok. No need for an intervention or nothing.


I hope everybody's new year was nothing short of amazing. Mine was good. We rocked in the new year with Jimmy Travis, one of the guest entertainers. That was a ton of fun, and the best part was that I didn't have to play "Baby New Year" this time around.

So... any news yet? Anybody pregnant? Anybody not pregnant? Anybody become morbidly obese since last I was home?

I'm going up the east coasat of south america at the moment. We have one more stop in Brazil and then it's back to the Caribbean for a while. I'll be home on the 3rd of march, so get yourselves into party moods cause the E-machine we'll rock your socks off!!!



Friday, December 19, 2008

Quick update

Is it me, or is Jenna Fischer unbelievably attractive?

OK... Retorical. She IS.

I finished four seasons of the U.S. version of "The Office" in an embarrassingly short amount of time... mostly cause SHE is so damn hot. I bought all four seasons in Ecuador... I know what you're thinking. "Oh, man! I thought you were going to save money this time around."

HA HA!!!!

They only cost me 15 dollars, total! In your face. Yeah!!!! If you mess with the bull you get the horns. Just ask this guy.

Good stuff.

Sometimes the bull wins, and the Matador gets a free vasectomy.

Anyway... the moral of this blog is that Jenna Fischer is insanely attractive. Now, you may be asking yourself "What does that have to with a horrible bullfighting accident?". Well, if you can't figure that out, you suck!

